Over the past month, hundreds of University of Edinburgh alumni have assembled around the world in honour of Scotland’s bard, Robert Burns. Image The Alumni Club of Washington DC came together at the Willard Hotel for a Burns Supper, ceilidh and whisky tasting \n From Iceland to New Delhi, Edinburgh graduates have enjoyed haggis, neeps and tatties, along with pipe music, ceilidh dancing and toasts to the great poet. With pipers flown in from Scotland and increasingly ambitious programmes, this quintessentially Scottish tradition has become a popular event in the social calendar of many of the University’s alumni clubs and groups. Locations The University was delighted with the range of locations where alumni celebrated Burns Night. These included: Atlanta, GA Boston, MA Greenwich, CT Pasadena, CA San Francisco, CA Washington, DC New York City, NY Edinburgh London Reykjavik, Iceland Luxembourg New Delhi, India Heart-warming Current student Aleksandra Eremina (BSc Biological Sciences), who is studying abroad in California, shared her experiences of the California Institute of Technology’s Burns Supper in Pasadena: The CALTech Burns Supper was an amazing opportunity to celebrate the wonderful Scottish tradition, to discover the diversity of the Edinburgh community throughout California and, finally, to explore beautiful Pasadena! When you go abroad, you leave for meeting new people, encountering alternative perspectives and investigating the world around you. However, you also learn more about your home, and the way it is perceived and valued abroad. It was very heart-warming to see the enthusiasm of all the Burns Supper attendees to share the joy of this wonderful night with communities on this side of the world. Image Members of the Alumni Club of Atlanta celebrate Burns Night at Burns Cottage Looking to 2018 The Development and Alumni team have worked with graduates around the world to organise and publicise their celebrations. If you would like to host your own Burns Supper in 2018 for alumni in your local area, we would encourage you to get in touch - it's a perfect opportunity to make new connections and rekindle old friendships. Contact Please contact Emily Bateman for more information if you are interested in joining one of our Alumni Clubs and Groups, or organising your own Burns Supper event: Emily.Bateman@ed.ac.uk Related links The Alumni Global Community Publication date 16 Feb, 2017