Cameron's sporting chances

Cameron McLay graduated from the University's Sport and Recreation Management course in 2016 and now works as Communications and Sponsorship Manager at Basketball Scotland. We asked him about his career and why he volunteers to advise current sports students.

Cameron McLay

Tell us about your time at Edinburgh and how it has helped your career.

I started University just after the London 2012 Olympics and there was a real buzz in the UK about major sports events, especially with the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games following shortly afterwards.

I enrolled in the Sport and Recreation Management programme at Moray House School of Education, and I think learning more about major sports events throughout my studies really motivated me to enter that field. Six years on and I am now really excited to be heading to Australia as part of Team Scotland's media team for the 2018 Commonwealth Games. 

I have to say that the University’s Sports Management programme does a really great job of covering the wide variety of disciplines in sport and really allows you to understand what motivates and excites you. 

You recently took part in a speed networking event, giving advice to undergraduate students in the Institute for Sport, Physical Education & Health Sciences. Why did you decide to volunteer for this?

I had a great time as a student at Edinburgh and to pass on any advice to the next generation of students is really exciting. At Basketball Scotland we really believe in developing people and so, for me, these events are a great avenue to be able to offer guidance and support to those looking to enter the world of sport. 

I also think it’s important for me to be able to stay in touch with the University. It’s an exciting opportunity to provide insight and the networking events are an informal and fun way to get to know people and share best practice. I wish there had been more of these events in my time at the University as I believe they are very beneficial for those who attend. 

Why is it so important that students hear from graduates who have gone on to have successful careers?

 We all have an idea of what we want to do but I think hearing real-life stories and meeting people who have had a similar journey is a great way of putting things in perspective. It is also a brilliant opportunity to ask questions and find out more, which always helps you plan your next move. 

What do you wish you’d known as a student?

One piece of advice I would love to have known was that - similar to participating in sport as an athlete - the world of working in sport is really competitive. You have to have a go-get-it attitude and be ready to create opportunities for yourself.

Commonwealth Games

From 4 April to 15 April, over 6,600 athletes and team officials from over 70 Commonwealth nations and territories will come together in a celebration of sport.

University of Edinburgh students, staff and alumni have a proud history of participation and success at the Commonwealth Games and we are delighted to once again have a strong contingent already nominated to take part in the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games 2018.

The University at the Games

Your insights

If you are interested in offering advice and career support to current students, please contact CJ Cochran, Alumni Manager:

CJ Cochran

Alumni Manager, Schools & Colleges

  • College Advancement
  • Development and Alumni

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Institute for Sport, Physical Education & Health Sciences