Last weekend saw our alumni clubs around the world gather to celebrate the life and poetry of Robert Burns. Image Every year we commemorate Scotland’s national bard on the date of his birth, 25 January. Celebrations include traditional food and drink, rousing verse and the performing of original songs and tales. This year our alumni organised Burns Nights as far afield as Santiago, New York, Beijing and Hamburg. Celebrations ranged from small informal gatherings to full-blown Burns Suppers. Spotlight on DC The Washington DC Alumni Club was joined by our Vice Chancellor, Professor Sir Timothy O’Shea. Over 70 attendees enjoyed haggis, traditional toasts and Scottish country dancing. Image Burns and Edinburgh As well as the traditional Selkirk Grace, the alumni event in Boston also included the Address to Edinburgh - a poem written by Robert Burns in 1786. Here Wealth still swells the golden tide, As busy Trade his labours plies; There Architecture's noble pride Bids elegance and splendour rise: Here Justice, from her native skies, High wields her balance and her rod; There Learning, with his eagle eyes, Seeks Science in her coy abode. Extract from "Address to Edinburgh" (1786) You can listen to a reading of the Address to Edinburgh along with other popular works on the BBC Scotland website. Robert Burns on the BBC Scotland website Next year If you are interested in organising a Burns Supper in 2015 please get in touch and we can offer advice and guidance. Email Lifelong community Business School Burns Supper Pack (PDF) Business School Burns Supper Printed Materials (PDF) Publication date 02 Apr, 2015