Res Medica, the open access peer reviewed journal of the Royal Medical Society, is back and open for submissions. Image Res Medica was founded in 1957 with the purpose to promote academic research amongst medical students at Edinburgh.Res Medica welcomes original research, reviews and editorials from medical students, doctors and academics in the field of medical research. Please see the submissions section for more details.Res Medica SubmissionsThe 2013 editionThe submission date for the 2013 edition of Res Medica is the 20th May 2013. Submissions will be accepted online. Articles that are accepted will be published in September 2013.Please visit the Editorial Policies section of the website for details regarding the peer review and selection process.Res Medica Editorial PoliciesYou can also keen in touch and regularily updated by following us on Facebook.Res Medica Facebook PageArchive digitisationRes Medica plans to digitise all past issues of the journal and make them freely available online from the journal website. It is also our intention, subject to meeting acceptance criteria, to make past issues available via PubMed Central.If you have previously published an article with the journal and do not want your article to be digitised and made available via the journal website you may opt out of this project.Please notify us as soon as possible via email or in writing.Res Medica Mailing AddressRes Medica Tags 2013 Publication date 02 Apr, 2015