Our Edinburgh Up documentary has unearthed some wonderful keepsakes from our alumni participants. Are there treasured items from your university days that bring the memories flooding back? Image Ramzi Kurban, a 1976 graduate who studied Dentistry, shared with us a hand-written Christmas letter from his department head.The letter provided a round-up of the past year in the school of dentistry and looked to the future.What really makes this letter special is a personal message to Ramzi regarding the civil war in his home country of Lebanon, it reads I hope you get good news of your family and of your home.Lifelong communityAnother keepsake is from Edinburgh Up participant Mike Sutherland, an Astrophysics graduate who attended the University of Edinburgh with funding from the RAF. Image Mike has keep a picture from the Independent newspaper of himself during the Gulf War in 1991. Although this picture was taken almost a decade after graduation, memories of the University relate to a friendship that was forged at this time.In our documentary Mike tells the story of being moved from one squadron to another and feeling isolated until he met an Edinburgh alumnus who made the transition much easier.We had both been in the University air squadron together. We had mutual respect for each other and it made it easier for meeting the other guys.Mike SutherlandAstrophysics, 1984Lifelong memories Image In his interview, Malcolm Offord, who studied Law at the University between 1982 and 1986, reminices about the bonds formed at university.In his final year Malcolm and his team mates organised a rugby tour to Brazil. He shared the brochure from the tour with us; something he has kept for nearly thirty years.Iain Bethune, a 2005 Computer Science and Physics graduate, shared a number of photographs and memories from his time with the University Canoe Club, including one very special one.EUCC is the source of many memories, including lots of great days out driving a minibus full of students ‘chasing the rain’ around Scotland. There were a few trips to A&E (none on my behalf, thankfully), and the club was where I met my future wife Julie.Iain BethuneComputer Science and Physics, 2005View our alumni videos on the Edinburgh Up websiteWhat have you kept?All of our participating graduates have fond memories from their time at the University, evident in the range of keepsakes they shared with us.What have you kept from your years at Edinburgh? What haven't you had the heart to throw away despite multiple moves and numerous clear outs?Please get in touch with copies of your keepsakes and the story behind them, and we will share with your alumni community. Alumni Engagement Contact details Work: +44 (0)131 650 9243 Email: alumni@ed.ac.uk Edinburgh UpBehind the scenes of Edinburgh Up Tags 2013 Publication date 02 Apr, 2015