Thanks to our Fantastic Supporters

Our determination to provide the very highest quality in research, teaching and patient care means that we rely upon the generous support of our friends and donors to maintain our standard of excellence.

Canapes at Court poster

We are lucky to have fantastic supporters who, motivated by a project or research area particularly close to their hearts, go to incredible lengths to support the University in its contributions to the community.

Donations from fundraising activities such as the ones below allow us to purchase more equipment, recruit more research students and ultimately improve patient services.

The following is an overview of some of the essential and much appreciated community fundraising that has taken place over the last few months.

If you are interested in fundraising for one of the organisations listed below then please contact our Individual Giving Officer, Kerry Mackay.

The Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic

We would like to thank the Inner Wheel Club of Alloway for organising a Coffee Morning in aid of the Anne Rowling Clinic.

The Coffee Morning will take place in St Andrew’s Church Hall, Ayr from 10.00 am to 12 noon on Saturday 9th March 2013. Tickets cost £3 each and there will be stalls of plants, home baking, home produce and more to enjoy; we very much hope that our local supporters can pop along to support this event.

Inner Wheel of Alloway Fundraising Coffee Morning

The Euan MacDonald Centre for Motor Neurone Disease Research

We would like to pass on our sincere thanks to the family and friends of Mr Alexander Sutherland. Mr Sutherland sadly passed away on 30th December 2012 and a funeral collection in his memory raised £820 in aid of the Euan MacDonald Centre. We are extrememly grateful to the Sutherland Family for thinking of the Euan MacDonald Centre at this difficult time.

The Society of Advocates in Aberdeen have produced a recipe book entitled ‘Canapes at Court and other Culinary Concoctions’ to raise awareness and funds for the Euan MacDonald Centre. With approximately 100 recipes to choose from there will definitely be a dish to suit your taste. Recipe books cost £7.50 with all proceeds going to the Euan MacDonald Centre.

Contact Louise Dryden to order your recipe book today.

The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies

The Dick Vet Garden’s ‘Path of Memories’ celebrates the unique relationship that exists between people and their pets. We appreciate everyone who has both celebrated and remembered the life of their pet through donating to our Path of Memories. The most recent stones to have been laid were in memory of Mylo ‘Sunshine Boy’, Brodie and Max ‘So much joy’.

Thank you to everyone who keeps our collection cans in their retail premises enabling their customers to support the Dick Vet by donating while they shop.

The Pipe Shop recently donated £146.46 and Pinkie Mains Farm Shop £81.15 through collection cans. If you are interested in displaylay one of our collection cans in your business please get in touch with Kerry Mackay.

The Patrick Wild Centre for Research into Autism, Fragile X Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities

As a way to give something back to the local communities who support their shops, Waitrose runs a fundraising initiative called ‘Community Matters’. Each month, every branch donates £1,000 to local good causes, which is divided between three organisations.

We are very thankful to the person who nominated the Patrick Wild Centre to be included in this charitable venture, as we recently received a cheque for £320 from Waitrose. If you shop at Waitrose would you consider recommending one of our Centres?
