The University of Edinburgh has been marking 300 years of the Chemistry department with special events throughout the year. The celebrations are continuing and alumni have been getting involved, including one who has launched a new prize for PhD students. Image Sir Fraser Stoddart has instigated this new award to recognise both the importance of the scientific and community contributions of our PhD students. Candidates for the award are expected not only to have demonstrated superior research accomplishments throughout their time at Edinburgh but they should also have contributed to the life of students within the School of Chemistry and beyond.Working alongside Sir Fraser, I see a person with a passion to change the award / prize dynamic in the United Kingdom in chemistry.Margaret E SchottPersonal Assistant to Professor Fraser StoddartAnd Sir Fraser is not the only alumnus using the Tercentenary as an opportunity to support the student experience at Edinburgh, with many already having contributed to the Tercentenary Fund, set up to help fund undergraduate access bursaries.A special graduationMeanwhile, a special graduation ceremony took place as part of the Tercentenary events. As well as a very special Tercentenary cake, our graduands and their families were able to sample some of the Tercentenary beer.There was also a performance by a choir made up of staff and students from around the School of Chemistry.Upcoming eventsUpcoming events include an Alumni Dinner in London and a Musical Celebration of Chemistry in the Assembly Rooms on George Street.For more information regarding these events please visit the Chemistry Tercentenary webpages.The School of Chemistry Tercentenary Tags 2013 Publication date 02 Apr, 2015